Sunday, December 28, 2008

Cold Sore Remedy Miracle

There’s not much that you can do to improve the look of a cold sore. There’s just no hiding or covering up an unsightly blister parked on the front of your face. But, although there’s no magic pill for getting rid of full blown cold sores quickly, and there’s no way of preventing another one from coming in the future, there is a cold sore remedy or two out there that can actually speed up the healing and take away some of the pain and discomfort. Act Fast with Any Cold Sore Remedy

Any cold sore remedy you come across will instruct you to take action as soon as you feel that tingle telling you a cold sore is about to come calling. Whether your cold sore remedy of choice is an old fashioned remedy or a doctor prescribed pill, taking action right away, instead of waiting for the blister to form, can decrease the amount of time a cold sore will stick around, and can also keep the cold sore from spreading. The Petroleum Jelly Cold Sore Remedy

The petroleum jelly cold sore remedy requires you to coat your lip as soon as you feel the cold sore tingle, and keep the area moist with petroleum jelly for as long as the cold sore hangs around. The petroleum jelly will keep the cold sore from spreading and will also keep it from drying up; which often leads to cracking, bleeding and lots of discomfort.

The Benzocaine Ointment Remedy

If you are interested in a cold sore remedy that will not only add moisture, but also more effectively deal with the pain then you might want to try a lip balm with benzocaine. These ointments provide a local anesthetic which affectively numbs the lip area.

The Tea Bag Remedy Your grandma was right: a tea bag is actually a great cold sore remedy. The tannins found in a moist tea bag actually have some healing power. Use a moist tea bag like a cold compress on your lip for up to ten minutes, and repeat this several times a day. You’ll stop the spread of your cold sore and speed up the healing process.
Get Rid of Cold Sores at a discount! Compare the best Cold Sore products. This article may not be reproduced in any way without including the Author's Bio.

Get Rid of Cold Sores as Top Speed

Until recently there haven’t been many options for cold sore sufferers. On day one you feel a tingle on your lip which quickly turns into a large unsightly painful blister. This blister festers, cracks, and bleeds; hanging around for a good two weeks.

Ointments, balms and creams cover up, but do little to actually get rid of the cold sore, and prescribed drugs don’t always agree with your system. But today, thanks to the Aeura Cold Sore Formula, you can kiss that cold sore goodbye in a fraction of the time.

All Natural Cold Sore Formula
The Aeura Cold Sore Formula is a homeopathic formula that quickly treats the cold sore without causing side effects or conflicting with any medication you’re taking. Not all treatments work this way and the last thing you need is an adverse reaction between medications.The all natural Formula works by giving your body an extra boost to its immune system, so that it has the strength to squash the cold sore. Fast Relief with the Formula
There’s no need to suffer the pain and embarrassment of a cold sore for weeks, stalling your social life or causing you to cancel plans and hide inside. The treatment which comes in tablets that dissolve in your mouth, starts working right away. You’ll feel relief within hours of taking it.

The lesion never has a chance to fully form, thanks to the Aeura Cold Sore Formula, and it’ll completely disappear in 1 to 4 days. Now there is no guarantee that the formula will work 100% for all people. Of course that does not take away from the effectiveness of the Aeura Cold Sore Formula, but just something to keep in mind. However, there are many other cold sore treatments on the market that are also all natural and highly effective.
Learn How to Get Rid of Cold Sores at a discount! Plus Compare the best Cold Sore products. This article may not be reproduced in any way without including the Author's Bio.